Master craftsman.
Wrought iron Art since 1655
Master craftsman.
Wrought iron Art since 1655

Terms of use

The use of web site implies that the user is aware of these conditions.

The material on this website is copyrighted.

Unless expressly allowed, you may not copy, modify, upload, download, transmit, republish, or playback display for redistribution to third parties for commercial purposes without the written consent given by, and requested to, ALESSANDRO ZANINI.

It is not allowed to use the contents or the trademarks of the website for any purpose other than the ones expressly mentioned.

No responsibility is taken for any of the content published on this site and use that third parties may make, nor for any contamination deriving from the access, interconnection, download of material and programs from this site.

Therefore, ALESSANDRO ZANINI will not be liable in any circumstances for any damage, loss or harm of any kind that third parties may suffer as a result of contact with this site or from the use of what is published on it or the software used.

Personal data processing policy

ALESSANDRO ZANINI, with registered office at: Zona industriale, 90 – 31040 Pederobba (TV), VAT ID 04337430260 (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller” or “Us“), as the data controller, hereby informs you, pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR“), that your personal data, subject to your explicit and express consent via the selection of the relevant box, will be processed in the manner and for the purposes given below.

  1. Data subject to processing

    The Controller, for the provision of its services, of which a summary can be found at the following website (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Services“), processes personal data, identification details (e.g. first name, surname, company name, address, telephone number, email) – hereinafter referred to as “Personal data” or “Data“– communicated by you (hereinafter referred to as either “You” or the “User“) on the conclusion of a contract for the provision of services by the Data Controller.

    The Data Controller may process Personal Data that:

    • the user provides voluntarily (for example, the information provided during registration);
    • is collected automatically by the Controller (when you access the Services, we can collect some information directly from your device, using cookies and other similar technologies to analyse your interaction with the Services; for more information on the types of cookies and similar technologies we use, the reasons and the relevant control methods, check our Cookie Policy).
  2. Purpose and legal basis for the processing of Personal Data. Nature of data provision

    Your Personal Data is processed, regardless of your explicit and express consent (as per art. 6 b), e) of the GDPR) for the following purposes:

    • the conclusion and execution of contracts for the provision of the Controller’s Services;
    • to reply to your requests in connection with the execution of contracts for the provision of the Controller’s Services;
    • to fulfil the obligations imposed by law, regulations, EU law or by order of the authorities;
    • to pursue the legitimate interests of the Controller.

    The provision of Data for the aforementioned purposes is mandatory in order to provide the Services offered by the Controller. Should it fail to be provided, we will not be able to conclude the contract for the provision of the Services and/or guarantee the correct provision of the Services and/or fulfil the obligations imposed on the Data Controller regarding the execution of the contract for the provision of the Services.

    In particular, the legal basis for the processing of your Personal Data lies in the specific context in which it is collected. The primary reason that we collect and use Personal Data is the execution of the contract for the provision of the Controller’s Services. However, we will also use your Personal Data if this activity is in the legitimate interests of the Controller, unless this interest conflicts with your Data protection interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms). In some cases, we may have a legal obligation to collect your Personal Data (for example, in the context of a legal proceeding), or we may have to process and share such Data with others due to a judgement that requires Us to comply with an obligation that prevails over your Data protection interests.

    If we ask you to provide Personal Data to comply with a legal obligation or for the execution of a supply contract concluded with you, we will show you which Data is mandatory and will also explain the possible consequences should you refuse to provide it (for example, no use of the Services).

    Likewise, when we collect and use the Data on the basis of legitimate interests (ours or third parties), we will provide an account of which legitimate interests apply in this case.

    Only with your specific and distinct consent (as per Article 7 of the GDPR), your Data may be used for the following marketing purposes:

    • to send you newsletters, commercial communications and/or advertising material on products or services offered by the Collector via email, mail and/or text message and/or telephone, and to conduct surveys on your level of satisfaction with the quality of service;
    • to send commercial communications and/or advertising material for third parties via email, mail and/or text message and/or telephone.
    The provision of data for the aforementioned purposes is optional. You can therefore decide to not provide any data or to refuse the processing of data that had been provided at an earlier date. In this case, you will not be able to receive newsletters, commercial communications, and advertising material regarding the services offered by the Controller. However, you will continue to be entitled to the Services for which your explicit and express consent is not required.

    Please note that if you are already a customer, we may send you commercial communications relating to services and products provided by the Controller that are similar to those you have already enjoyed, unless you indicate that you do not wish to receive such communications.

    If you need further information on the legal basis and/or the purposes behind the processing of your data, please contact us at the following email address:

  3. Methods for processing and communicating personal data

    Your personal data is processed using the methods indicated in art. 4 section 2 of the GDPR, specifically: collection, recording, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, erasure and destruction. Your personal data is subject to paper and electronic and/or automated processing.

    Personal Data will be processed by us and by parties (internal and external) who have been specifically authorised by the Controller pursuant to art. 4 section 10 of EU Regulation 2016/679 and operating under the supervision of the latter, in compliance with the instructions received and the contractual obligations undertaken. By way of example, the Data may be processed/communicated from/to:

    • employees and partners of the Controller, in their role as representatives and/or data processors and/or system administrators;
    • companies and/or professionals who carry out external activities on behalf of the Controller, in their capacity as data processors;
    • consultants responsible for accounting management on behalf of the Data Controller;
    • lawyers to whom the owner has conferred a specific professional mandate.

    The Data referred to in section 1 (Data subject to processing) can be communicated to parties who have been specifically authorised by the Data Controller pursuant to art. 4 section 10 of EU Regulation 2016/679, exclusively for the purposes referred to in section 2 (Purpose and legal basis for the processing of Personal Data) and in the manner referred to in section 3 (Methods for processing and communicating personal data).

    Personal Data is processed by the Collector using servers located in the EU.

    In any event, it shall be understood that, if necessary, the Collector reserves the right to relocate the servers, including outside the EU. In this case, the Collector guarantees that the transfer of data outside the EU will take place in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, subject to the standard contractual clauses stipulated by the European Commission.

    The Controller will process your personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the aforementioned purposes and for a period of no longer than 12 months from the termination of the relationship for Processing Purposes and no longer than 12 months from the date on which the data was collected for Marketing Purposes.

  4. Rights of the affected party

    In your capacity as an affected party, you are entitled to the rights set forth in arts. 15-21 of the GDPR, specifically the right to:

    1. obtain confirmation from the Controller of whether or not your Personal Data is being processed; in this event, you have the right to access exclusively the Data concerning you and you will have the right to receive any related information from the Controller in an intelligible form;
    2. obtain: a) the origin of the personal data; b) the purpose and method of the processing; c) the logic applied if the processing involves electronic tools; d) the identification details of the controller, the processors and the designated representative pursuant to art. 3 paragraph 1 of the GDPR; e) the parties and categories of parties to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of the data as designated representatives of the State, processors or representatives;
    3. a) update, rectify, and, when deemed of interest, integrate the data; b) erase, convert to an anonymous format or block data that has been processed in violation of the law, including data that does not need to be retained for the purposes for which it was collected and processed; c) confirmation that the operations described in sections a) and b) were made known, including their content, to the parties to whom the data was communicated or transmitted, except in cases when it may not be possible to do so or when it necessitates a disproportionate effort compared to the protected right;
    4. ask the Controller to limit the processing to the conditions and for the purposes referred to in art. 18 of the GDPR;
    5. lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority;
    6. receive the Personal Data concerning you from the Controller in a structured, commonly used format that can be read automatically by a device and transfer such data to another controller pursuant to and in accordance with art. 20 of the GDPR (data portability);
    7. object, in whole or in part: a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if it is relevant to the purpose for which it was collected; b) to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication, through the use of automated calling systems without human intervention, by email and/or through traditional marketing methods by telephone and/or mail. It should be noted that the affected party’s right to object to processing for direct marketing through automated methods, as set out in section b), also extends to traditional methods and that, in any event, the subject of the data retains the right to object, even in part. The subject of the data may therefore decide to receive communications using exclusively traditional or automated methods or neither of the above.
  5. Exercising rights

    You may exercise your rights at any time by sending an email to

  6. Controller, processor and representatives

    The Data Controller is ALESSANDRO ZANINI, with registered office at: Zona industriale, 90 – 31040 Pederobba (TV), VAT ID 04337430260.

    The updated list of processors and the representatives involved in processing is kept at the registered office of the Data Controller.

Information on cookies

In addition to what is written above, you can still set up your browser so that it automatically refuses to accept cookies by activating the appropriate option: the non-use of technical cookies, however, could lead to difficulties in interacting with the site.

The settings to manage or disable cookies may vary depending on the internet browser used, therefore, for more information on how to perform these operations, we suggest the User to consult the manual of his device or the “Help” function of your internet browser.

The links that explain how to manage or disable cookies for the most popular internet browsers are indicated below:

Pursuant to the articles 15-22 of the GDPR, the user has the right to request, by writing to the address of the owner of this site, access to his personal data, the correction or cancellation of the same or even simply the limitation of their treatment (anonymization ) or make a complaint to the Data Protection Authority, if it considers its rights to have been violated.